sábado, 4 de novembro de 2017

How to decently watch Bubble Guppies

Do you want to watch Bubble Guppies but are you constantly annoyed by the songs and all the lessons of educational value and all the general abnormality of a show that should be called "Bubble Merchilds" in the first place? Well then, this tutorial is just for you! Follow this three-step program and you'll experience Bubble Guppies as it's supposed to be seen.
How to decently watch Bubble Guppies:
  1. turn off the sound when it's on
  2. play the Bara Buti advert
  3. experience Bubble Guppies like you've never seen before
In order to do this, you must be at a bedroom when night starts falling or even during prime time or overnight with Bubble Guppies playing on the TV set 
and Bara Buti countless times on a smartphone or computer.