quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2014

All about Canale Test

canale test logo
For those who don't know, Canale Test is an Italian YouTube channel which has been around since 2005. The channel's slogan is "Where useless becomes more useless". Here's the backstory:
The creator of Canale Test, Andrea Tagliabue, founded a website called Deconstruction 3000 (still viewable here), whose first spoof was an illegal spoof of Pimp My Ride followed by "Il Presepio", the first reality show set at a nativity scene. In reality, according to a recent interview by Andrea for Poliradio's NERD, Pimp My Ride was the first to be filmed, however, Il Presepio was the first to be uploaded.
At the start of 2006, Canale Test launched on YouTube (as bandosbando). The name Canale Test wasn't used until July, when the first video involving the channel appeared, consisting of an add for a "find out what animal you are" mobile test and an ad for Special K featuring Oscar Wilde, with sweepstakes in order to win the 1768 bestseller "The Special K Diaries" and implicating that Oscar Wilde ate Special K, thanks to a TTS program (Voice5).

Thanks to an ad on Rai 1 for Lidl, he created the first Diddle ad (the first were Lidl ads before he found out that he was using those brands illegally).
His popularity skyrocketed when FLUX/QOOB aired his videos, considering that the channel accepted videos from anywhere on the internet. Later we get to know more about the channel's schedule:
TG TEST, whose 2006 editions were at 12:05. At one point it was made by Ervrivrio Vrovrio, famous for making a report on Yu-Gi-Oh matches held at schools, and that the stolen cards were used by the people who punished the school players. Other features include METEO, which is a weather forecast, GOSSIP (at one point), LEGGO SPORT (no prizes for guessing), CANI (which is about dogs), at one point a traffic update and at the end, the olbigatory plug for Luciniolo Bellammerda at 21:00, a spoof of Lucignolo Bellavita, focusing on random themes, mostly celebrity scandals and weird happenings, like dancing to literary poems at Planet Atmosfera 51, before it's revealed to be a repetitive sound effect.
OBESOPOTAMO, an animated series made "a long time ago", whose first episode references Sheep in the Big City. Each episode involves the titular character, a gray hippo, as he meets a zebra at some part of the world and then they dance to very old piano music. One episode was a spoof of Will and Grace (Obesopotamo & Zebro).
All Obesopotamo episodes are non-verbal, consisting of sound effects, music and text intertitles. Obesopotamo & Zebro breaks the convention by putting word ballons on the characters and Obesopotamo e la vacanza da un milione di dolari breaks another convention, as it features an anthropomorthic coffee machine from an ad for Hascell instead of Zebro.
LO SAI COME, a documentary series. It was revived in 2013 with new episodes. It's considered as a spoof of Rai 3's Lo Sai Perchè?
CAROSELLO (TAROCCO), a spoof of the Italian ads show of the same name. All ads feature Lanselmo and Bertoldo in spoofs of classic Italian ads. It was revived in 2013 for a spoof of the FIAT 400 (or, in this case, the FIAPETASBIT 400). Coincidentally, not too long after this premiered, Rai announced the return of Carosello as Carosello Reloaded.
OPERATORI ECOLOGICI 9, a spoof of Carabinieri. Only part of the intro was shown and it may have involved ecological operators in a junkyard.
EXTREME MELKIOVRE HOME EDITION, spoof of Extreme Makeover Home Edition. It was followed by a sequel, spoofing the Italian version of the show.
DMARX, the Marxist spoof of DMAX, considered as being "the real alternative to Western channels". The channel's schedule is a communist take on DMAX's schedule.
TROUT BOSS: IL BOSS DELLE TROTE, spoof of Cake Boss: Il boss delle torte. Once again, a spoof of what a typical Italian can watch on channels like DMAX or Real Time.
In the past, most Canale Test videos were preceded with ads for dubious brands:
HASCELL, a spoof of all those Planeta DeAgostini collection ads. These include ads for nonsensical language courses, wood collections and other stuff.
I PIRLEY, a spoof of I Finley. Consisting of Fedro, Khali, Erve and Kappa, this boyband is known as "today's band revelation". Famous for releasing Diventirai un frigobar and Citrosodina as well as their famous Khalifornication tour in 2007, it seems that the band that spoofed them had the same fate: no more albums and tours.
FRATELLI ZINGHERI, a financial group which does random stuff since 1978, like taking your money to Romania and let anyone get in your own house.
SAHARA, a car manufacturer, famous for releasing the Sahara Fry and Sahara Fry GPL models, The logo depicts a camel.
DIDDLE ads are posted separately. Generally the products are sold at nonsensical prizes and they sell nonsensical products as well.
In March 2007, Canale Test's official website was launched. It initially contained the Inutil-area inherited from the former website and a working forum. When Canale Test rebranded in 2012. both the Inutil-area and the forum were removed for unknown reasons.
The video format changed as well, which means that the show spoofs are no longer preceded by ads.
Anyway, I'll leave you with the interview he had at Poliradio's NERD, which has some more info on Canale Test:
With songs
Without songs:

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