terça-feira, 5 de agosto de 2014

Blogging Excavations: Portuguese Television For Dummies: Chapter 1: Overview

Hello. Welcome to a new series called Portuguese Television For Dummies.
In the first episode, let's make a general overview of Portuguese television.

Let's start with RTP 1.
RTP 1 is some sort of general channel.
In recent years it has become a rip-off of the private channels.
The most interesting thing about the channel is the prime time schedule, where the only enjoyable show that I seem to like is Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.
It's a genuine Sunday alternative, especially because of the movies and the CW shows in the afternoon hours.

RTP 2 is a rather more highbrow/arts channel, even though lately, RTP 2 has been paying more attention to their cartoons in the morning and evening hours.
It was also famous for airing shows that other channels didn't air. 2 Broke Girls is an example: they aired it before any pay channel aired it!

SIC is a private channel. Recently it is an emulation of TVI because both want to be leader channels. SIC was the leader between 1994 and 2005.

TVI has been the leader for the past nine years. The channel was gifted to fill the entire primetime schedule with telenovelas (more on that later).
It also gave birth to the "760 call-in shows" which give money to the viewer, usually found on daytime shows and "pimba" music shows (again, more on that later).
Later, I will post part 2, which will be about daytime TV.

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